Beers 'N' Bucks Podcast
Beers n Bucks is hosted by Mike Lindahl and Tim Schutts the founders of Domain Outdoor. A premium food plot and feed brand. Filled with practical food plot and hunting knowledge this podcast is guaranteed to have you laughing. Listening may cause any of the following side effects: Excess Laughter, Increased Knowledge, Elevated Taxidermy Bills, Additional consumption of adult beverages.
Beers 'N' Bucks Podcast
Episode 22 - Gettin' Sheddy with the Fellas
With 12" of snow last week, it has delayed our frost seeding a little bit here in WI, but plenty of guys around us are getting their Comeback Kid and Hot chic in the ground!! We cannot thank you guys for all the support! Check out our website for more details.
For everything, Domain Outdoor be sure to check us out!
Be catch full episodes of Beers N Bucks check it out wherever you listen to podcasts.
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